Strange Beasts is a collective of like-minded creatives and producers that share the drive to dedicate their time and skills to innovative, meaningful projects having as main goal to present a quality, sustainable product and/or experience.

Views of the studio

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How we do what we do

The Future is Symbiotic

One-sided communication will never take you as far as a good, open dialogue, so we believe that close communication is key to achieve those results you're after. The more you helps us the better we'll help you.

One man band, times ten.

Being a collective means that we're all active on our own and therefore not limited to one viewpoint, giving us a constant fresh and independent look on what's out and about. Plus we can all handle ourselves both as a team or independently, so you don't have to employ the whole bunch unless you actually need it.

The Time is Now

This is more than a sentence to make us sound snazy. If in the past this meant that eventualy the future becomes reality, these days it literally is. So we like to act accordingly and plan ahead taking into consideration the fast pace of an ever changing society and trends.

Work smart, play smart.

Brute force is a thing of the past and the pretentious "work hard play hard" motto hasn't done much but to generally deliver the planet to the hands of the brute and the clumsy and send wallstreet traders out the window. We prefer to make it fun and meaninful for everyone involved, and you do that by using your resources in a smart, thoughtful manner.

“Draw the art you want to see,
start the business you want to run,
play the music you want to hear,
do the work you want to see done.”